Required Documents!
We'll always provide you a customized list of documents specifically related to your loan needs... But if you want to get a jump on the process here is a list of the most common items required for mortgage approval.
Miscellaneous Information
Photo ID and proof of Social Security Number.
If applicable, a copy of your divorce decree (normally only required if recently divorced)
If you are not a citizen, a copy of the front and back of your green card.
Property Information
Purchase Agreement ( only if you have already contracted on a new home)
If you are selling your current home, copy of listing contract
If you have sold your current home, copy of settlement statement.
If you rent, please provide landlord, name and phone number or cancelled checks for last 12 months.
Income and Assets
Pay stubs for the last 30 days.
W-2's, and Tax Returns for past 2 years (Last 2 yr's, all applicants, all pages, all schedules)
1099’s if applicable.
Statement for each bank, mutual fund, 401k, and /or investment account for the last 3 months.​
Explanation of any large deposits to your accounts:
If Large Deposit was a gift:
Signed gift letter (contact me to provide you one)
Proof of donors ability to provide (withdrawal and deposit slips)
If you own 25% or more of a business:
Corporate or partnership tax returns (all pages, all schedules)
If you are Self-Employed:
Tax returns for the last three years may be needed (all schedules).
Year-to-Date Profit and Loss Statement prepared by accountant may be needed.
If you own rental property (provide for each property):
Tax returns for last two years and/or current rental agreements
Copy of most recent Mortgage Statement
Copy of most recent Tax Statement
Copy of most recent Insurance Statement
If property has been refinanced recently, please provide settlement statement.
If you are retired:
Pension Award Letter
If you receive Social Security:
Social Security Award Letter
If you are counting child support as income:
Copy of divorce settlement.
Copy of 12 months of cancelled child support checks may be required.
Debts & Public Records
Explanation of credit report anomalies, including:
Late Payments, credit inquiries in the last 90 days, charge-offs, collections, judgments and/or liens.
Bankruptcy filed within the last seven years (provide a copy of your BK papers).
VA Loans
Copy of DD Form 214, Report of Separation.